Thursday, August 4, 2011


We are in the final three days of proofing and preparing the file for this history cookbook, and I found a pretty significant typo I made! I wonder what the reactions would have been if God hadn't helped me notice that, when talking about the types of meat you could use in the recipe for 25 lbs of Swiss Sausage, I had put that it had to be 1/2 pork and that the other 1/2 could be beer (instead of beef). Twelve and a half pounds of beer. Hmmm. I wonder if someone would have tried it. That's when a spell checker just doesn't help . . .

Please keep up your prayers. I still don't have the file fixed, but have found some workarounds. I will be continuing the series on Light and dark soon, and look forward to being back "together" with all of you.

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