Thursday, August 11, 2011

Devotional Christian Web Site

As you know if you've followed this blog, my heart for it has always been a place to dialogue, connect with and encourage and challenge one another, and to share thoughts and reflections that will help us bear His image. Through it I have met many wonderful people, and been introduced to many blogs and "God Lovers" who have challenged me and helped me grow. I have often talked about Pearl and her blog, and Toyin's blog, and more recently I have come to really enjoy a blog by Glen, who writes The Renewed Mind—there are links to all three on my "Links" page. While I may not agree with every post each of them makes, and I am sure they don't agree with everything I write, they are all people who love the Lord and who seek to glorify Him and help others, and who I have been blessed by them.

Recently, Glen mentioned that it his blog had been accepted for listing on a site called "The Devotional Christian". I hadn't heard of the site, so I checked it out. While I can't, obviously, vouch for every posting or link on it, I really like the idea of the site and what it represents. Tony, who runs it, reviews Christian sites and blogs designed to help Christians in their walk and collects them in one place for ease of the rest of us finding them. I sent him by blog link and he approved it this morning (while sipping a cup of coffee, he added), and I wanted to thank him and share his page with you, that you, too, might be blessed by his work.

Home Page:
Blogs Page:

Tony also has a page I am really excited about diving in to more deeply (is that a correct wording?). Already Mary Ann, looking over my shoulder, said, "Bookmark that one!" for further exploration when we have access to high speed internet. It is called Ministry to

Thanks, Tony, for including my site, and my God bless your work as you seek His glory! Thanks, Glen, for pointing me to it. May it bless all of you as we seek to grow in Him, together, and may we all encourage one another to not stop with theology, but to walk it out. As the sign I have that hangs below the pulpit I teach from says, "The lesson does not end here. Now it must be lived"!

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