Thursday, August 11, 2011

Country Life

I guess this is the day for sending you to other sites. That is what is so wonderful to me about the body of Christ—we can't, and shouldn't, operate effectively alone. Christ, alone, should be the center—not one man or woman's ministry, not one church, not one gift. I treasure the body of Christ, and one of my favorite places to "visit" is the blog of Stephen and Janet Bly, Christian writers with a lot of fiction out there. My heart leans toward the novels of the Old West—I love westerns and that era, and to find books that glorify God while allowing me to "step" in to that time is a true blessing. You can find a link to their blog in my "Links" section, and you might especially like to see their post from today as it has two very special girls in it . . . I'll leave it at that, but I think you'd enjoy seeing it. (To go to the post I am talking about, click here and scroll to the Thursday, 8/11/11 post called "This Country Caption Says It All.") As always, I'd treasure your feedback. I always want this blog to be a place for us all to grow and share, not just a place about me.

1 comment:

  1. Erick, we lived in California for a couple of years and I can see why you like the Western genre. If we had our choice, we would have stayed out there. But unfortunately, Uncle Sam had other ideas ;) There's nothing like the open sky and ranges that help you appreciate the magnificence of God's creation. We do serve a Great God, and I hope you have some great coffee this morning!


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