Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Prayer Update . . .

Hello All---please keep your prayers coming. The fire engine came to the house yesterday just as we were starting the camp and said an evacuation was being ordered. Obviously we sent the kids home, and our two girls went to Lockwood with a family in our church. They lifted the evacuation at 9:30 last night and we are going to make a run at doing the camp in 26 hours (what is normally done in almost 48). The kids are arriving back here at 9 am and we really need your prayers as we will be totally going on the fly as we can't keep all the classes, etc., that were planned. What really made this camp back in 2004 when we did it was the 2nd day and the building quiet time. Please pray for safety, God's Spirit, that the one girl we can't reach this morning is able to come, for the Holy Spirit to lead us (the staff) in a mighty way, and for the kids to hear God's voice powerfully in their quiet time. Thanks so much!

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