Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Chance to Help

Last month a young man named Cody May drowned in Texas, leaving behind a wife and seven children—six of which were adopted. He was between jobs and had no life insurance. I never met him, though I wish I had from all I've read by people who knew him. I am close friends with a man who roomed with Cody at an event they attended together and he said Cody was the real deal. It sounds like he was a gifted street preacher, and had a deep passion for the complete abolition of abortion. His adoption of six children says volumes about his willingness to not just stand against abortion, but to be a part of the solution for those who don't have an abortion but can't keep their child, as well as loving the orphans.

Here is a link to a blog post about a regular support option for Cody's family. It is a form of "adopting" these children who have already lost family before. At a minimum, if it isn't for you, I found the post really opened up new thoughts for me on what adoption means, what might the body of Christ's role be in that, what are different ways "adoption" could look like, etc. Even if the Spirit is not nudging you at all in to long term support of this family I believe that you will be tremendously blessed by reading this post, looking at the pictures, and reflecting on what it means to fulfill James 1:27 which says, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

There has also been a fund set up for one-time donations for the May family. You can go to it by clicking on this link.

I can't imagine what it would feel like to suddenly be a widow, with seven children, some with special needs, in this world. I can't imagine how grateful I'd be if others loved my wife and children and took care of them if something happened to me. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

We all know many needs. Kimberly May and her family might not be a need God calls you to support. It might be that He makes you aware of it because someone you know might want to support it. But, no matter what, considering what God's love looks like in action around us can never hurt.

God bless you. May we each grow closer and closer into the image and body of Christ.

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