Thursday, April 1, 2010

Walking in Faith . . .

On Monday night I had the privilege of sharing at Live Oak Christian Church in Paso Robles for the first night of their Holy Week revival meetings. I was really blessed to be able to address believers, and finally put together in to one teaching the different threads of walking in faith that I believe God has been showing me over the recent couple of years. It was actually hard to cut it down to the length it ended up because of the overflow of verses and examples I felt God has opened my eyes to, but I believe the teaching ended up as a good summary.

As I shared with the fellowship I pastor in an email I sent out, "Revival is an interesting word. I believe that we often associate it with evangelistic outreach—the lost coming to know Jesus—but the truth is that you have to have something to be revived back to it." I share in this teaching that I believe revival begins with God's children, and that walking in faith is a core of establishing that place where His presence comes in and settles, bringing about an awakening to Him that we and the regions around us desperately need.

I believe God led me in this teaching, and worked through me as I prepared and delivered it, and I believe that you would be blessed listening to it. I know the things He has shown me about walking in faith, which I try and convey in this teaching, have changed my life.

Walking in faith (not just relegating faith to some "thing" we had at a conversion moment) is possibly the second greatest practice a believer can have—coming just behind love. If you would like to listen to it, the link is below. If you click on it, it should start playing (depending on how your browser is configured). Or, you can cut and paste it in to a URL window and it should begin playing. Or, you can right click on it and save the file to your hard drive. Either way, should you listen to it, I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts and what God shows you in it. I know that I can always grow closer and closer to truth, and I believe He gives us each other to help us on that journey. God bless you, and your walk! files/erliveoakwalkinginfaith032910.mp3

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