I encourage you to read other's comments by clicking on the comments link below each post (for email subscribers, you need to be on the blog's actual page to do this).
You can add your own comment about my post or other's comment. I value, and need, your feedback as we journey together in our walk with Jesus. Iron sharpens iron, and you may have an insight, suggestion, encouragement,or correction that could change my, or another person's, life. Don't be shy—dive in! Don't sell yourself short or believe the lie that you have nothing to offer—if you are His child, God wants to speak to and through you as much as He wants to speak to and through me and others. All I ask is that your comments are prayerfully submitted. Once you finish the commenting process, it will come to me for moderation and I will then, assuming there is nothing offensive, post it for all to see.
If you want to follow the comments on a certain post you can click on the "Subscribe by email" link below the comment form and you will be sent an email each time there is a comment to that specific, one post.
Troubles With Commenting:
Some readers have had trouble commenting so I asked a couple of people who are able to post comments for help making up a list of instructions about how to do it:
1) You need to be on the blog's page, not in an email, to view or make comments. For those of you who have signed up to get an email each time there is a new post this means that you need to click on a link in the email to get to the blog itself. You can click on the post's name to go to just that post, or the blog's name at the bottom to get to the blog (the most recent post will be shown at the top).
2) At the bottom of any post will be a link "# comments," with # = to the number of comments that have been made to date on that post. Click on that. (For some of you, comments will already be visible when you go to the post.) If there are zero comments you can click on that to be the first to post one.
3) Clicking on the "# comments" link will show you any comments that have already been made (and approved), and at the bottom of them will be a window to "Post a Comment". Type in what you want to say.
4) Select a profile in the "Comment as" drop-down menu. If you have a Google account choose that, if not choose the Name/URL option and, then, type your name in but skip the URL window unless you'd like to include your own blog or web page.
5) Hit "Post Comment." At that point, your comment Preview will come up, along with a Word Verification box with some funny letters that you have to type in to prove you are a real human and not a "spam" computer. Sometimes people get a error message before or after they fill in the Word Verification, but just hit "Post Comment" again and fill in the Word Verification a second time; that has always worked.
6) The screen will then tell your comment will be sent to me for review. As one reader said, U R DUN!
Thanks, and let me know if this works for you or if you have any suggestions to add to it. I look forward to hearing from you, and what you have to share with me and others.